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2022-12-07 Guido Chiesa_8449Web.jpg
Guido Chiesa

Freelance project manager with 4 years of experience in managing a wide variety of projects: from theatrical productions, virtual and hybrid events, digital marketing and digital policy advocacy campaigns.

Master of Science in Economics and Management in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment Graduate, Bocconi University, Class 2018

Final paper: Applications of Agile Project Management to Videogame Development

Bachelor of Science in Economics and Management for Arts Culture and Communication, Bocconi University, Class 2016

Final paper: Pratiche manageriali e censura delle arti (Managerial practices and art censorship)


+39 320 711 2425


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Welcome, I am Guido!

My goal in life is to support creative people in providing unforgettable and life-changing experiences to consumers.

I am motivated by bringing a rational and scientific approach into the management of creative processes.

I highly regard diversity as a fuel for creativity and a great resource for effective problem solving. For that, I take part into a vast variety of activities beyond my academic studies. I harbor a great interest for performing and visual arts, videogames and movies, as well as cutting edge technologies (machine learning, AI, mixed reality, blockchain) and their impact into multiple aspects of consumers' lives.

In my free time I am also an avid gamer, a ballet dancer and an LGBT+ rights activist.

As a dancer, I performed for music videos and charity events for non-profit organizations supporting medical research and assisting families and individuals affected by genetical illnesses or in need of an organ transplant.





"The most important thing I have learned over the years is the difference between taking one's work seriously and taking one's self seriously. The first is imperative, and the second disastrous."

Margot Fonteyn

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